Yeoman of the Guard are the personal body guards of the Monarch. Originating from the days of Henry VIII, the Yeoman are not people in fancy dress for tourists, they must have served a minimum of 22 years in the Military to get these jobs. This is a position of honour and prestige that hasn't changed in centuries. Although during her reign, Queen Victoria stipulated they should not just be strong, loyal and honourable they should also be handsome. Seems that still applies.
When you visit the Tower of London you step back hundreds of years, such an incredible tapestry of history, during August and September there are new re-enactment shows- even if you were born and bred in London you really should experience it all over again!!!
Queues of tourists are very long there.
Looks like a relaxing gig.
Are there any female Warders?
I've just tweeted the link to your lovely post, Mo.
Enjoy your summer. MG
Oh wow, wish I was there. I'd love to go!
By the way, if you remember that butterfly information, let me know.
I loved visiting the Tower of London! :)So much history
It's an incredible history and I do love seeing the guards with their uniforms. Can you believe, I refused to step foot there for ages b/c I considered it too crowded with tourists, despite the genuine amazingness of the site...gotta get over my phobia of big tourist crowds!
It really is a step back in time. I'd love to see a re-enactment.
Sounds very interesting... never heard of them Yeomen. Hope I get to visit this place someday...
I loved the Tower of London but I haven't been for 3 or 4 years - I must go back!!
wonder what a Beefeater hat would fetch on ebay?
England has some great traditions. I hope they continue. An occasional anachronism is fine with me.
The Tower of London is steeped in history and tradition without doubt a major attraction visited the city now you can give your opinion and share your photos
I do believe I saw a story about a man who was in training for this position on our Olympics TV channel. As you mention, it requires that a person have served for a number of years in the military, and then involves a long period of very intense training! Amazing!
Yes, one of the highlights of my first visit to London was seeing these guys in person!
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