
Saturday 8 December 2012

Freetrade and fair tax

Starbucks hasn't paid any tax in the UK for the last 3 years.  To highlight the "freetrade" coffee giants tax avoidance protesters will turn 44 branches into creches, refuges, and homeless shelters today.

The company has announced it will make a tax payment of £10 million over the next two years. However, the protesters, like many of us do not believe that this "voluntary" payment resolves the bigger financial and ethical issues.  Many large corporations in the UK are not paying a fair amount of tax and some are paying none at all!!!


Sharon said...

They really need to pay their fair share. I doubt very much that they are paying their fair share here either.

Wayne said...

I heard something about this on the radio this morning. I thought the company mentioned was McD's but it wouldn't surprise me if both are guilty.

RedPat said...

How can you pay no taxes!!

Kris McCracken said...

Their 'new and improved'[sic] employment contracts leave something to be desired though!

Hilda said...

News like this make me so angry, especially then tax agencies go after individual wage earners so strictly yet allow large multi-billion corporations get away with it. Grrr.

Lucy Corrander - M2 Photos said...

It's introduced this wonderful idea - voluntary taxation!

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