
Sunday 17 March 2013

Sutton's Hospital

On the other side of Charterhouse Square (shown in yesterday's post) is the entrance to Suttons Hospital.  From 1371 the site was the Monastery of monks from the area of Chartreuse in France until the order was dissolved by King Henry VIII

From the early 17th century it became a place where men from the professional classes could be cared for for the rest of their lives.

The building was damaged during the second world war but restored to its original state by 1951.

It continues to be the home for 80 men, most of whom have served in the armed forces.


Brianna Asaro Photography said...

Ach! I've been away for a couple weeks and I feel I've missed out on so many great photos!

Glad you're feeling better!

Sharon said...

That is another building that could tell some interesting stories if it could talk.

LOLfromPasa said...

Grace from Perth brings me to your webpage! Hope you can cope with yet another follower :). Love looking at your photos. Rarely manage a visit to London so this has been fun! Stay well!

Jack said...

It is pretty severe, Mo. Hope you are feeling better.

Adullamite said...

Love the entrance!

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