
Wednesday 26 June 2013

End of the Line - Uxbridge

The Metropolitan line has several end points, one being the town of Uxbridge.  I was rather taken aback at the grandiose modernish town hall in the centre of the town.  Above is only one small corner of the building. Built in the early 1970's, it took three years to complete at a cost of £18.5 million. The population of the town at last census was a little of 12,000 which may explain why there was such controversy over it's building and why half of them live in it now. One of the statements in that last sentence may not be entirely true - I leave it up to you to decide which one.


Adullamite said...

Town councilorls, the most corrupt people one earth?

Tamera said...

Wow. You're right, that building is a bit much for such a small town!

John said...

Nice to see ratepayers' money going on really useful buildings - not.

Andy said...

They look so much like mumbo jumbo mix up. I'm always surprised when I visit UK blogs and find out that many of the towns in Ontario, Canada are named after places in Britain. There's a Uxbridge just a few kms. north of my home.

Unknown said...

The exterior looks good. Interiors will be massive...

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Sharon said...

That is one massive building and like Tamera above, I agree is really a bit over the top for a town of that size. It is rather attractive though.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ha! you made me smile Mo! It's big, but maybe not 6,000 big :)

Stefan Jansson said...

Cool architecture at least.

jabblog said...



Heehee, well it's large anyway even if it doesn't fit 6000! I always wanted to ride to the very end of each line. On my (not very ambitious) life list.

Lawrence Kreger said...

I know traditionally English people have this thing about "Village Life"--they seem to love to live in little clusters often with somewhat strange names ( such as --what was one I read --"Sutton Hooting" or something like that).

It is probably a very gossipy place as well. Too bad you could not have hung around a little while and tell us some of the local scandals.

Erika Price said...

Aha, I recognise that building. I used to have to visit the LB Hillingdon offices as part of my job, and I always got lost inside - it's like a rabbit warren!

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