
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Mini Adventure

Today an American friend and I will have an adventure in London in this very cool Mini Cooper SD.   A real British car to tour in while we take in the very best of London's sights.  Pity the weather isn't suitable for having the roof down, however that won't dampen our fun. We'll share the adventure with you later in the week.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Na it's not a real Britsh car its a BMW made down the road from me in Cowley, I call it German. The real British Mini is no more like a lot of other British cars

John said...

Oh dear - time for dissent. Hate it! Can't help thinking that a lot of the variants they are producing have gone so far from the essence of the real mini. Memories of five of us at a time in the late 60s, squashed into those tiny original minis, on our way to the pub in Lincolnshire when nobody thought about drink and drive. Now older and wiser.

Unknown said...

Wonderful looking the car!

biebkriebels said...

Oh that looks good, I hope you can put the roof down, must be fun to drive around that way.

Judy said...

Wow! That is a cute car. Not what I was picturing when my sister said she was going on an adventure with you in a Mini Cooper. I hope you both have a great day!

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great day. Looking forward to see the pictures!

RedPat said...

I hope your American friend is enjoying herself! Looking forward to lots of pics.

William Kendall said...

I've never seen a convertible Mini Cooper....

Gunn said...

will they send one over to Norway, I will be more then happy to try it out:) Have FUN!

Jack said...

That is definitely the way to squire your guest around London, but it would not work for me. I am too tall.

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