
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Museum Visit - Tate Britain

Tate Britain has recently undergone a revamp part of the work included the restoration of this staircase that had been closed since the 1920's.   It's all looking very glam now.

And talking of all things British remember the recent MINI tour around London earlier in the month?  You can see it again through the eyes of my American friend at Phoenix Daily Photo


Andy said...

Nice angle.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A place on my list to visi is the Tate though not the modern as that to me just shows plain rubbish

cath carbone said...

c'est magnifique, très joli post! belles photos !
it is splendid, very pretty post, nice shoots.
Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your next visit to my blogs.
Have a nice day! Cath.

cath carbone said...

c'est magnifique, très joli post! belles photos !
it is splendid, very pretty post, nice shoots.
Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your next visit to my blogs.
Have a nice day! Cath.

biebkriebels said...

Love the first picture!

John said...

Love the staircase; great with a real wide-angle, and some mono shots.

Anonymous said...

Nice perspective, makes me quite dizzy!

Luis Gomez said...

Great stairs. Thank you Mo.

Sharon said...

I'm so sorry I didn't make it the Tate Britain. A good excuse to come back again. I did go to the Tate Modern and was a tiny bit disappointed. The construction going on made it not have the same impact as before. One of my most memorable museum exhibits was at the Tate Britain sometime back in the late 90's.
Thanks for the call out to my site. I've already had some new visitors.

Jack said...

Exquisite 1 and Exquisite 2. I love the perspective and composition in your stairwell photo. Nice that Sharon and you had the chance to spend time together.

Judy said...

You two were lucky to get to park the little mini long enough for you to get these great pictures.

I would love to try that beautiful stairway.

RedPat said...

That staircase is wonderful!

William Kendall said...

It's a beautiful staircase!


Super-glam, that is the very embodiment of...and love the MINI!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

And now you're trying to tempt Sharon for a return visit! With brilliant shots like that she'll probably succumb.

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