
Friday 28 February 2014

A Tribute to Mary Queen of Scots

An ornate building on the Strand with a statue of Mary Queen of Scots now houses a lunch bar of the Pret chain. The building was originally designed for a Scottish Insurance company, the developer was a great admirer of the young queen and commissioned this tribute to her.


Dave said...

Is it a declaration of his faith?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A great tribute it is aas well

Andy said...

It's from a era when art frequently was part of the decor of buildings. Much better than the blah glass towers of present day.

Adullamite said...

She was too snobbish for a sandwich bar anyway.

Great spot this, most would miss it.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

She seems to have been imprisoned everywhere else so why not a sandwich bar? It's always interesting to look at buildings above street-level.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

She seems to have been imprisoned everywhere else so why not a sandwich bar? It's always interesting to look at buildings above street-level.

Sharon said...

It really is a beautiful statue and I bet it's missed by most passers by.

MastHoliday said...

Wonderful statue of the queen!

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful! You don't see this kind of work in buildings anymore.

Jack said...

Not only is the statue wonderful, the Gothic gingerbread details are terrific.

William Kendall said...

It is beautiful craftmanship.

jennyfreckles said...

It always pays to look up!

Sandra said...

It is a beautiful tribute to Lady Mary. Great shot!!


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