
Sunday 23 February 2014

London Towers

The tower of London once an intimidating building for Londoners now seems so small in the shadow of the towering Shard. 


cath carbone said...

Perspective it is a pretty nice ride, nice Sunday

biebkriebels said...

That is quite a different skyline now!

Lowell said...

Terrific composition and a wonderful scene! I want to visit London before I kick ye olde bucket!

Sharon said...

The Shard is looking very shard-like in your sunny photo. The water appears to be very high right now.

Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot!

William Kendall said...

An excellent shot, though I prefer the Tower of London...


It's incredible how London's changed even since just 15 years ago. Love the contrast and super Shard shot.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I really disliked the Shard - till I saw it 'in the flesh', lit up on a clear night. An incredible sight!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I see you can go up the shard to view London now. Thats one for the cards

Jane Hards Photography said...

Long time no speak Mo. A photo that is an anagram of my real name. It's Babooshka, under my own name now though. I have an awful lot to cathc up with.

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