
Sunday 16 February 2014

Street Art

An abandoned trolley, busy street art, a street light, is this street theatre?


Andy said...

Someone is trying to get a message out.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Nah. It's schtreet fearter, innit?

cath carbone said...

Magnifique post, j'adore cette superbe balade! tes photos sont superbes! Ici c'est le 'fresh eyes'
celui de savoir regarder dans la rueet de ne pas se lasser de ce que l'on y voit!!
Bon dimanche à toi!

Lowell said... theater. Just a mess. But what can ya do about such things. People are slobs. :)

Sharon said...

There is quite a lot to see in the street art.

John said...

This is the genre of shot I like.

Dave said...

Art or graffiti, graffiti or art....the jury will always be out on this.

William Kendall said...

I'm leaning a bit more towards a mess, myself...


It would be quite an play! The artwork is intriguing.

Jack said...

Street theater? That is one description. I have another . . .

Babzy.B said...

interesting mural :)

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