
Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Balloon Lady

Ine is just the person you need at street festivals and kids parties.  I love the little turtles on her arm, don't you?


Andy said...

Britain's Got Talent!

Adullamite said...

We often have Marcel and his balloons at the kids events. He brings in the crowds and they all get a shaped balloon, very popular.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks like she enjoys her work

Sharon said...

I've never seen balloon turtles before. Very cute.

John said...

Like the lady I saw at the London Eye keeping the kids entertained in the queue in summer - when was that?


I wouldn't have minded a few balloon turtles for myself. So sweet.

Lowell said...

A delightful portrait of a beautiful lady. What a nice smile. The turtles are wonderful!

Mandy said...

Oooo, those turtles are very cute!

Jack said...

Hah! A fun loving woman.

Jane's painting looked like it was going to be excellent. But, no, I won't be going to the auction. The proceeds go to a charity and Naples is a very wealthy town. Many of the attendees will bid the prices up very high because it is their intention to give the charity a big donation. The art is just an excuse.

William Kendall said...

Cute shots!

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