
Sunday 29 June 2014

Ted's day out

The Doll was away for the day … so I thought “I’ll have a Ted day doing Ted stuff”.  First stop was Hamley’s toy store on Regent Street. I think it’s the London equivalent of FAO Schwarz in New York City, the toy store that was in the movie “BIG” starring Forest Gump. The lovely young woman in the remote controlled flying things section at Hamley’s let me play with a helicopter for simply ages.  Well, until the small child next to me yelled loudly “when is it going to be my turn?”. I took my leave via the doll section (best not to mention this to the Doll I think).

Next stop – the wine car boot fair.  A fair with a collection of some of the independent wine retailers based in London. There were a large range of wines to try, including offerings from London Cru/Urban Winery.  They ship grapes from France and the wine is made here in London by an Australian winemaker.  How’s that for cosmopolitan wine eh.

Many of the retailers source from smaller vineyards, and less famous areas, with lots of wine coming into the market from places like Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, where let’s face it they have been making wine for literally centuries.  So it’s old right, it has to be good. This nice chap from Vagabond tried to tempt me into bending my consumption principle of never drinking from anything taller than myself.  I resisted (just) and then purchased a 375ml bottle which was rather good.
Time for some food and a chance to have yes … a burger!!! Naturally I did some research on the origin of the Hamburger, and I think I can safely say that there is absolutely no consensus over who can lay claim to having invented it. It has been narrowed down to an on-going debate between the Germans from Hamburg and street cart vendors from New York city. I have been looking at this place called Honest Burger for a while now in my daily travels so I decided to give it a whirl.  Theirs is a simple concept and a good one – choose your meat and how you’d like it cooked, add a few extras, or choose one of their existing combinations. Bung it all on an enamel plate that your grandmother used to use, with a few sides and viola!  Delicious.

… and that’s a Ted day out … 


Sharon said...

Well Ted, I'd say you had an exceptional day out. I'd love to know how you liked the "made in London" wine. That burger looks delicious and now I'm craving one. A good one like you've shown us.

William Kendall said...

That's a good burger!

I'd be inclined to buy the helicopter!

Jack said...

But, Ted, didn't you miss the Doll?

imajoebob said...

Sorry, but you'll have to take Ted on a trip to New Haven, Connecticut, home to Yale University and Louis' Lunch, where the "Hamburger Sandwich" - what is now simply called the hamburger - was invented.

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