
Friday 5 September 2014

Old Entrance

The stone entrance is all that remains of the old school building in Peckham Rye.  A glimpse of the shiny new one can be seen to the left.  


Adullamite said...

How the new one clashes with the old.

Babzy.B said...

i like the old one :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

When I spotted another gate in the background I wondered if there were separate entrances for boys and girls. Looking closely I can see that is the case. The new building does not look very welcoming.

Sharon said...

It looks like there is a distinct difference in the architecture of the old and new.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice!

William Kendall said...

Quite a contrast in architecture.

Mandy said...

Lovely photo. I love the way the sky is reflecting off the new building.

sandeep said...

Thank you for sharing this post and shining a light on what can be a confusing subject. With so much information out there it’s
nice to have the material narrowed down to a simple presentation
of the facts.

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