
Monday 28 September 2015

Ancient Rites

Yep its a bunch of sheep that trip tropped across London Bridge yesterday, much to the amusement of several American tourists that were passing by.

Quirky, but it has it roots in hard won rights back in the 12th century.  The freemen and liverymen were allowed to bring their produce to market without having to pay the onerous taxes of the day.

For the Woolmen  this meant they had the right to drive their sheep to market, crossing London Bridge (the only bridge at the time) without having to pay the hefty wool taxes.  Nowadays it is purely ceremonial.  Every year they dress up in their robes and march a dozen (or so) sheep back and forth across the bridge.  Its a fun day and a chance for the company to remind the public where meat and wool comes from whilst raising money for their charitable activities.


Adullamite said...

Very good story, great pic.

Sharon said...

Wish I had been there to see this. That would be fun!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

One would like to hear the sheep's view on the day.

sweetbriardreams said...

I'd love to see this! Some of the ancient rites are so quirky but so right. Thanks so much for the address of Daphnes. I can't wait to go there!! xx

William Kendall said...

Curious but fun. That sheep looks curious about you!

Katharine A said...

Wish I could have seen that! Next year.

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh, never heard of this! what great things you discover. I'll have to try and remember to look out for it next year, or better still, look it up and put it in my online diary. I'd love to see this quaint sight.

Angie said...

Was there much 'manure' to glean?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Cool what a great tradidtion

Jack said...

That is a tradition worth preserving. These days we are too many steps removed from farms and don't understand or appreciate the hard work that goes into feeding us.

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