
Tuesday 15 December 2015

Passing by the City

A train whizzes by the city.  A very London scene.


Angie said...

What no Christmas decorations!!! The 'Grater', the 'Walkie Talky' & the 'Gherkin' towering over that little old building (Church?). Anyone travelling 1st class?

Sharon said...

I do love all those strangely shaped buildings peeking up over the top.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

All those strangely-shaped buildings make for an unmistakeable skyline. I wonder if anyone's actually looking out of the train window, or are they all checking their phones?

Adullamite said...

I can do with the trains but knock down that mess of buildings behind.
Come back Lufwaffe we need you!

William Kendall said...

I'm reminded of the passenger trains we have here.

Unknown said...

How very true, it is a classic view...

Babzy.B said...

what a good pic ! :)

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