
Monday 19 September 2016

Award Winning Garden

Determined to make the most out of open house weekend, I was up early on Sunday morning (having missed out on Saturday) to make sure I got to see the award winning garden on the roof of 201 Bishopsgate.

 I'm still trying to fathom if this was some kind of joke.  "It's a wild garden" the security man informed me.  "No it's a bunch of dead weeds" I replied.  Although a grey foggy morning the view wasn't bad, so at least that gave us something to look at.


Angie said...

Yeah but.......

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I used to have a garden like that but I've spent years trying to change it. If only I'd known....

jabblog said...

I suppose it would look better in bloom . . . ?

Adullamite said...

Wild indeed!

Bill said...

Wild and free! Somebody is laughing.

William Kendall said...

I wonder how it looks in early spring.

The garden at the Museum of Nature here has Prairie grassland. That's what I'm reminded of.

Sharon said...

Oh my goodness...I see what you mean.

Jack said...

Weeds? It is simply a bit of nature. I was in New York City at the High Line and there are several stretches like this and they are dazzling.

Gunn said...

I would have been very disappointed ( too).

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