I often visit southbank, its an area that always has something happening. Each time I see something I hadn't noticed before. There is a lot of construction taking place. The skyline both sides of the river is constantly cluttered with cranes. Here is my attempt to be a little arty with the reflections of a new building in another.
I really like your artsy attempt! You could also use this for SkyWatch Friday with the reflection of the clouds!
This picture is lovely, it looks like your exposure is perfect!
Outstanding pic, I love reflection shots on buildings. thanks for sharing
Every time I visit London in general, I see something new that I hadn't seen before. I love it there! :D
this is so neat- arty attempt successful!
I like!
You say the south bank and I think you're between London Bridge & Tower Bridge but I can't tell for sure.
When I first moved to London from Chicago 4.5 years ago, I lived over by Tower Bridge on the south side of the river. There was no "more London" then. Just City Hall. And the Marks & Spencer--and that had JUST opened. It's really amazing what has sprung up there over the years. All from a part of town that was terribly dodgy in the 80s.
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