
Friday 20 March 2009

Skywatch Friday - Sunset over the Thames

Sitting on the balcony with a glass of wine in hand watching the sun go down over the Thames. Doesn't come much better than this. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Friday is when you visit skywatchers from around the world


Annie said...

A lovely sunset. it looks peaceful! I posted some photos of my sunset also!
I am enjoying your blog. Loved the daffodils and peach mention a couple. You are my neighbor on the skywatch sign-in page today! Hope you have a nice day!

Mo said...
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jkatze said...

AWWWW!!! You're making me so jealous again and again... ;-)

You to have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colours

Anonymous said...
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Babzy.B said...

yes , could be worse ;) Have a good week end !

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Lovely sunset and shot.

Anonymous said...

We had those kind of sunset for the whole week and I really enjoyed every one of them cause you never when it is going to be that nice again!!Have a nice weekend too!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've heard and read so much about Thames and boy am ever glad to see this scenic spot here. I love the reflection of the sky on the water.

Monsal Varga said...

Nice photo, as usual!

Balcony upon Thames? ;)

Anna said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend and evening! Love the colors -- nothing else is quite like sky blue pink!

Happy Spring!

Victor said...

A photo that transcends Skywatch. Just lovely. You do London proud Mo. Cheers!

Linnea said...

Oh...lucky you. And you've captured a gorgeous picture of your experience! Hi from California!

Tara said...

Oh man, how beautiful! I wish I was there!
Thanks for some excellent pictures!

Candie said...

wow beautiful shot really!

Anonymous said...

it's lovely

but i think the
correct title would be

"Sunset upon Thames" ;)


Lowell said...

Very nice. I'd say you were one lucky duck!

LoveANewIdea said...

Beautiful...sounds so relaxing.

soulbrush said...

absolutley beautiful, we certainly have had a fabulously springy week here in london.

Anonymous said...

Cheers from Farnborough! Lovely pictures - for a minute you forget you're in a normal dining room and you start dreaming...

George Townboy said...

Amazing view! Awesome photo!

marley said...

That is a fantastic shot. Love the colour of the sky captured in the water.

Cheryl G. said...

So beautiful!

Maria Grazia said...

Incredible England! Such a romantic sunset...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset!

lunarossa said...

What beautiful colours! The ducks are the perfect final touch. Have a good weekend. Ciao. A.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scene. When I was a child, I usually got up early in order to watch the sun rise behind the mountain, and in the afternoon watch the sun go down. It's always a beautiful scene ^^".
Have a good weekend!

Kris McCracken said...

You would never guess that this was right in such an immense and busy city!

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is such a bautiful idylic image,especially the lilac tinge.

Sharon said...

Beautiful sunset. The start of your weekend sounds just perfect.

Anonymous said...

This post and the ones below it brought back some fond memories from a long ago trip to England...

Arija said...

Beautiful photo, I love the colour difference between the sky and the reflection.

Michael said...

Thanks for your kind comment, Mo. Coming from you that means a great deal. My best London photos were on a laptop that took a nose-dive off our couch. :( The were digital, so hopefully I can find the original memory cards. If so I'll share sometime. LOVE your blog. It was the first I started "following" as they say on here. Have a great evening.

Louise said...

How beautiful. The swans (??right??) make this a perfect photo.

J said...

wow... incredible!

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