
Tuesday 19 January 2010


An installation by Deborah Nagan of cypress trees planted in a mirror box give a feeling of being in a large forest. Situated opposite the Old Vic theatre in Waterloo. Worth a visit if you are over that way.


Velveteen Rabbit said...

Gorgeous colours of the lit building behind the 'forest'.....what a wonderful idea and photo :)

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I love the colours in this shot.

Anonymous said...


Has a bit of a "Day of the Triffids" feel about it ;)

Louis la Vache said...

No doubt it's nice to see trees, even if only a few, in an urban setting. This installation is certainly preferable to those by "Christo".

Gunn said...

Wow, that looks so pretty, and beautiful colors too.

Anna said...

It reminds me of something from Dr. Seuss. Love the lights on the building.

Jenny WOolf said...

I was there the other day but did not notice this. How unobservant of me!

Hilda said...

Strange, funny, fun and beautiful.

Babzy.B said...

Original , a forest in the heart of the city , love the idea:)

The Lone Beader® said...

Those are very interesting trees! :)

Aimz said...

wow very strange, trees growing through the pavement!

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