
Saturday 24 April 2010

St George

He's been away for some time. In fact the last time St George was seen parading the streets of London was 1585.


Kate said...

Great scene! And it does look very medieval!

alestedemadrid said...

I´m glad to see St George coming back after so long ago. We had the books day in his honnor yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Is today St George's day?!

Hilda said...

Does that mean you're beset by a new dragon?

Love how you bleached the colors of the background! Makes him really stand out.

Leif Hagen said...

Wow - that's what I call showing up LATE for a party - almost 450 years!

jabblog said...

Marvellous capture! Both George and the horse look very smart :-)

Karine said...

He looks pretty spry for a guy his age!

Tussy said...

Beautiful, he looks great on that outfit along with the horse.

You Got A Posty
My Bangkok Through My Eyes

SamBamby said...

My town is named after St. George. HOORAY!

Anonymous said...


× × ×


Unknown said...

Is the Dragon no longer friendly in London? I believe Australia has friendly Dragons!

Tinsie said...

Fab shot!!! I love it :-)

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