
Friday 11 June 2010

A Man of Words

Tucked away in a lovely square not far from Fleet St is the 18th century home of Dr Johnson. During the years her lived here (1748 - 1759) he compiled the first English dictionary.

One of his famous quotes
"when a man is tired of London he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford." is a s true today as is was then.


Caroline said...

A room for quiet, austere contemplation. said...

What a wonderful and quiet photo. Great work.

Anonymous said...

That is just a divine, beautiful picture.

PhotoPuddle said...

Lovely serene photo. And the quote is great. There's always something new to explore in London.

jabblog said...

Lovely photo! He was so right about London.

jennyfreckles said...

What a beautifully serene room, lovely light. I would think it would spark creativity for more than a dictionary (useful though that is)!

Borboleta said...

Beautufull photo! And thank you for visited.

Eki said...

I've never been to London, but I like the quote. And I can imagine Dr Johnson working on this quiet corner while the busy life was taking place outside the window.

Thanks for the comment on my post, Mo.

T. Becque said...

I like the simplicity of this. I think the quote is quite true. London is amazing.

Maria Grazia said...

I agree with dr Johnson on Londan but, the place... is as austere as its owner! Perfect shot for a perfect "History Pills" post. Thanks. Enjoy your weekend, Mo!

Anonymous said...

How comfortable space

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis'» brief experiences with London agree with Dr. Johnson's assessment.

Witness said...

Wat peace!

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