
Tuesday 14 December 2010

Paternoster Square

The square by St Pauls' Cathederal, Paternoster Square was in medievil times the shopping centre for religious artifacts. Now you'll see city boys and girls from the banking sector and tourists.


gloria cuce' said...


Craig (Notes from the Cape) said...

I know that square, I walked through it about a month ago while on holiday :-)

They have really done it up. Nice motion blur as well.

jabblog said...

What a gorgeous shot! I love the sculpture of the shepherd and sheep - very fitting :-)

William K Wallace said...

Nice shot. I definitely prefer the square by St Paul's, better when all the crooks and tourists are not there! There is a nicer feel to the place!

Karine said...

What a nice shot, I always love the feel that people in movement give to photos.

Angie said...

Great shot, Mo. Sculpture by Dame Elisabeth Frink. I'm suprised a gurilla knitter hasn't given him a loin cloth!

Stoxs said...

We loved St Pauls when we visited London in September. I remember the shepherd and the sheep. Lovely to see them again.

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