
Thursday 6 January 2011

Double the Fun

Fish and Chips AND a Routemaster.
How English is that! Recently popped up on Southbank.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

I love this shot. So many memories about big red busses and fish 'n chips outta newspaper! Yummerz.

Great image!

Rachel Green said...

I love this! I shall have to have one in laverstone :)

Anonymous said...

I so totally love that!!!!

Leena said...

Can´t imagine anything more English! Nice!

Luis Gomez said...

This is really pretty!

Sharon said...

Perfect! I'd give it a try!

Wayne said...

Now if they had dining on the second floor they'd really have something.

Nathalie said...

<pretty cool!

Anna said...

That is fabulous. If you print up photos and sell them at markets and such -- this would get my vote.

PhotoPuddle said...

Now that is really cool!

lunarossa said...

Really great! What a fab idea...My two favourite English features...after the weather of course. Ciao. A.

RedPat said...

I love it. Especially like Wayne's idea of dining upstairs! Nice one.

Unknown said...

Very London and cool!

Karine said...

LOL brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

This is England!

Stefan Jansson said...

Just a tad English!

Jack said...

That is pretty special. We Yanks always think of red double-deckers and drizzle when we think of London.

Kaori said...

This is SO british! Love it :-D

IleDuLevant said...

And for the vegans amongst you there's this at Brick Lane:

The Lone Beader® said...

This is awesome! I love it! :D

Gunn said...

This is soooo "England" in a positive way!:)

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