
Friday 7 January 2011

Skywatch Friday - Terminal Five

A disappointing afternoon spent at Heathrow airport yesterday searching for my missing luggage from December. Hundreds and hundreds of bags separated from their owners, more arriving every few minutes.
However seeing this sunset returned my smiles
It's been awhile since I posted a skywatch, how long since you visited them. You'll find them here.


joco said...

How trying...
At least it gave you a nice picture.
BTW, do you do requests:-)?
There is a statue in the city that I would love to see again.
Just a thought, for if you are ever in that neighbourhood.

jabblog said...

That is a stunning sky. I do hope your luggage turns up!

Babzy.B said...

hope you find your luggage at least , beautiful orange sky :)

Commonweeder said...

A beautiful sky - similar to mine. The skies can play havoc with our lives - all that snow.

Unknown said...

now that is a glorious sunset. sorry about your lost luggage--i hope you find your luggage soon.

Anonymous said...

When I arrived at Heathrow just over two weeks ago the luggage was like that!It took me 40 minutes to find my bag... ridiculous.

Kaori said...

I love airports! There's just something about them that makes me giddy :-D

Happy friday and I hope you find your luggage!

Sharon said...

Such a beautiful sky! So sorry to hear about the luggage troubles. I've had mine lost a couple of times but always got it back by the next day. Hope it shows up soon.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! =)

Louis la Vache said...

Oh! How very frustrating to loose you luggage!

«Louis» is hoping to take Mme la Vache to Paris later this year via BA. He hasn't seen Terminal 5 yet. Other than the luggage foul-up, is it as nice a facility as promised?

Anna said...

Sorry about the luggage, but love the sky capture.

gloria cuce' said...

Fantastic this sunset!
Fantastic you that know always how to get the best!

Karine said...

A sunset like that could indeed put a smile on anyone's face despite any frustrating situation. I hope your bags find you soon!

WhatKathyDid said...

Oh no! I really hope you find your luggage. Did it have lots of presents in it? Lovely picture.

William K Wallace said...

The joys of travel and crap customer service. One of the reasons why I always make sure I spend a little bit extra on buying good travel insurance...

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