
Friday 10 June 2011

Dead End

Spotted in Soho


John said...

Nice little bit of graffiti by some 'wag'. Well spotted.

Ken said...

Obviously by someone with loads of imagination.

btw, fabulous blog.

Nonchanbkk said...


Gunn said...

Well seen, Mo!:)
Keep looking,-AND enjoy the weekend!!

Sharon said...

An interesting and clever bit of graffiti!

Anonymous said...

This shouldn't make me laugh outloud, but it did.

Babzy.B said...

who is the artist ? i like it ;)

Lucy Corrander said...

You label it humour but I'm not convinced.


MR said...

lol.. how they do it.

Irredento Urbanita said...

WOW!!! Great image, another way to see dead ways.



Barcelona Daily Photo

RedPat said...

Great ingenuity! Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

hai un grande occhio.....forte ciao elisabetta

Adullamite said...

Good stuff

Sue said...

LOL, well spotted.

Tom - Bloggiest Bloggy Blog said...

Good spot, I noticed some near my office in Clekenwell too - including one on a stop sign that's pretty nice...

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