
Sunday 26 June 2011


Running on water. Fresheyes has been showing you aglimpseoflondon for four years. I'm still discovering London. I hope you are still enjoying the journey.


jabblog said...

Four years! Tremendous! Most enjoyable. I love seeing waterfowl running on water. I like the way the gulls are singularly unimpressed.

Anonymous said...

absolutely - please keep them coming.

londonsdaily said...

today forth ANNIVERSARY? welldone

Montreal Photo Daily said...

Holy Mo! Four years of sharing your daily photos with the world? You must have a very high threshold for pain.
Hats off for doing a great job. I much enjoy visiting your blog.

Cheers! Hip hip hooray!

John said...

Big city, should give you scope for a few more years yet

janez said...

Thanks a lot!

Adullamite said...

Four years? I was there 21 and still missed so much! Keep going!

alestedemadrid said...


Sharon said...

Congratulations on the anniversary! I so enjoy your blog and enjoy a quick visit to London every day!

Anonymous said...

Four more years, please!

Witness said...

I like!go on!

AnKa said...

I have been reading your blog only for maybe a year and enjoy it very much. Living in London myself, your posts are interesting and inspiring and I like your photography as well! Good luck for however long you'll share your glimpses with us.

RedPat said...

I look forward to your pics every day and look forward to many more. Happy 4th birthday!

Ham said...

Congratulations from here, too

Karine said...

Congrats on four years of blogging, I am absolutely looking for ward to more London discoveries!

gloria cuce' said...

wow four years! Great shot!

Jack said...

Four years! Congratulations, Mo. I certainly enjoy learning more about London through your eyes.

Alain said...

Congratulations! Four years of great photos!

Angie said...

Keep on keeping on, please Mo. Have loved the connection we have. Not sure when it was, maybe when you were Blog of Note!

Babzy.B said...

Congratulations , your vision of London is great, thanks for sharing !! :)

cara said...

Congratulations! You have a great blog here. Always interesting and you obviously put a lot of time and effort into keeping it that way.

Anonymous said...

It looks like those birds are racing to be on the 4th plinth - just like the "temporary exhibitions" on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square. The seagulls are as disinterested as the statue occupants of the 3 other plints in Trafalgar Square too.

Happy 4th birthday Mo and many more ... your pictures always make me smile or think and sometimes both at the same time.

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