
Thursday, 10 November 2011

Student Process

Thousands of students marched through London yesterday is a relatively peaceful protest against cuts in education and increases in student fees. The protest march was flanked on all sides by 4,000 police directing the route of the students.


Adullamite said...

Poor hard up middle class students, how they suffer.

Danielle said...

Nice shot!
With the addition of rubber bullets I wanted to stay as far away from the student protests yesterday, even as a bystander.

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Mo.

Anonymous said...

cost of 4,000 police
would probably pay for
more than a few educations

great pic, reporter-on-the-spot mo!

× × ×


Maria Grazia said...

Same problems all over the world! Only, not always those marches are so peaceful. Well done, English students! Or well done, police?

Caroline said...

Seems like there is lot of protesting going on in the world! This lot look fairly happy though.

Jack said...

The students who will eventually become financially successful probably weren't here. They were back in the library studying.

RedPat said...

I can't imagine free university education! Such a Utopian idea.

Angie said...

I wonder if one of these will become a poli? Great shot, Mo.

Babzy.B said...

great to see them express themselves so loud , hope they will be heard !

jabblog said...

Free education for all means higher taxes for all - we don't seem to hear much about that!!

Celestial Charms said...

Education is one of the most important factors to a successful nation. I applaud their desires, and glad it was a peaceful event.

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