
Friday 9 December 2011

Preparing for Spring

Planting daffodils in preparation for Spring.


Angie said...

Got to make you feel good about winter! Yellow blooms in yellow buckets.

Emm said...

Oh! Are you meant to plant daffs now??

jabblog said...

Do the colours of the buckets reflect the colours of the flowers? Red tulips in red buckets, blue hyacinths in blue and so on . . .

Sharon said...

I love how daffodils seem to appear everywhere in London in the Spring.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the spring flowers, yellow for yellow!!

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice Mo.

Halcyon said...

I planted some, but the skunk and his minions (the squirrels) appear to have eaten them all. :(

Jack said...

Good for you, Mo. I planted a lot of daffodils years ago and enough still come up in the spring to provide a riot of yellow. I am too lazy to pull them up and put fresh ones down, but so far it has not been a problem.

Unknown said...

Cant wait to see the daffodils in bloom . await the photo...

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