
Sunday, 15 January 2012

Just missed the train

It's only 5 minutes until the next one but somehow that sems like forever.


Yukinori Katayama said...

yes, i know that feeling!

Sharon said...

If you just miss the train here, it's a much longer wait for the next one. Something like 15 to 20 minutes.

jabblog said...

. . . especially when it's cold!

Dave said...

Yes we all do this, and think "if only I hadnt stopped to do this or that I would heve been on time"

Adullamite said...

Or unable to get on because of the crowds!

Julie said...

Hah! London and Paris have it made with their systems (rail and metro). On Saturday it took me 1.75 hours to travel a distance which would be 20 mintues by car. I believe we call that 'service'.

Lowell said...

Time is always relative! Love the photo!

Caroline said...

I can hear it swishing off without you!

imajoebob said...

But the next one is the local, so you skip it. And then the express after it is another 10 minutes late...

Jack said...

I have been there . . .

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Everyone can relate to this one Mo, great shot.

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