I heard the drums roll and then saw these gentlemen marching by. Who are they? The sashes and banners say Martyrs, from various places, Essex, Kent, Medway. I found a little information from a google search that tells of a protestant martyr burned to death in 1555, for not attending a catholic mass, then I found contradicting information, saying those who were catholics were the martyrs.
I'm still none the wiser as to the organisation represented here.

I can tell you though they were not keen on being photographed. Come on guys if you are going to march through the streets of London dressed like this and banging drums, expect to be photographed.
Your'e right but in 1555 there was no photography! Welcome in 2012, they better can go for another hobby.
Remind me a bit of the orangemen but since they are not, then they must be the Catholic equivalent, I guess. Glad you got the photo.
http://www.demotix.com/news/304640/orange-parade-london The link is for 2010 but it's the same parade.
Orangemen. As much to blame for the troubles in Northern Ireland as the IRA.
"LOL" 0n the sash is Loyal Orange Lodge, I believe.
rig7 beat me to it, was just going to say that. As such I think they are very much protestants. Theoretically I think I qualify for a green passport, my grandfather being one Michael Murphy.
The Loyal Orange Order. Begun inthe days of yore to protect protestants from Catholic violence, and support protestant claims to the throne (William of Orange etc). Dead everywhere but alive in the west coast of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Mostly peaceable but best avoided. Still the cause of much bitterness between the two sides in the west coast.
Oh and rarely, if ever, do you find a Christian amongst them!
I read the comments here. Interesting that they would be marching in the street but, not wanting to be photographed.
They're marching in memory of Protestants killed during the rein of Queen Mary--One of the banners mentions the Lewes Martyrs Memorial--that's for the Protestants.
The Orange? No wonder he tried to cover his face. A "loyal" terrorist is still a terrorist.
Little boys getting dressed up to prove they are special. Must still miss the cubs and brownies. Bless 'em.
Yep there are Protestant Orange Lodges all over the UK, although the ones in Northern Ireland And Scotland get all the press.
I remember seeing another Orange parade around Victoria/Parliament way a few years ago - they were very camera shy too. Very strange
There are Protestant martyrs memorials in Kent and I took a photo of one at Bury St Edmunds too. Bloody Mary greatly persecuted them. But I guess she was just making up for her dear father Henry VIII's brutal dissolution of the monasteries whereby Catholics were the victims.
I assumed they were linked to those events when you mentioned the Kent towns but the comments linking them to the Orange Order are truly fascinating. I love it when I begin to tie various threads of history together.
That's religion for you.
I agree with you, Mo!
They are out in the public, so why should they not face the public!?
Well LOL doesn't stand for 'lots of laughs' that's for sure!
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