The first pillar boxes were introduced as a trial in 1852 in the Channel Islands, seemingly because this was where Anthony Trollope world famous Post Office employee (later to become a world famous novelist) recommended they do it there. The following year they were popping up all over the UK in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours. However, the Victorian Postal service, being the lovers of order that they were, decreed in 1859 that they would all be the same shape and colour (red only) and would be available in just two sizes. Liverpool was not happy about this and argued successfully that they needed a bigger version. This came to be known as the Liverpool special.
Gorgeous!! and now we hardly ever send snail mail. How sad...
These are so much more charming than the royal blue utilitarian boxes we have here.
Mo, thanks for the blogger tip. I adjusted the time zone on my dashboard yesterday and today it posted correctly. I really appreciate your help.
Love this one Mo.
very british here
pic is rather like a parade
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i love these old Pillar boxes ! :)
I would like to spend time here, as your postal equipment differs rather dramatically from ours. For example, I can't ever recall having round "pillar" boxes. And our mailboxes are blue. With some white. And red.
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