Typically Spring is a rather wet season in the UK. So far April has been the archetypal Spring month with monsoon like downpours, and sky based fireworks and music. Even better, April is promising to carry on as it began, right until it's end. Believe it or not most of the UK is officially in drought (I can hear you all chuckling in disbelief, but it is true!) with hose pipe bans and other water saving measures in force. Sadly though April's efforts are unlikely to break the drought.
We don't manage our water very well. An awful lot is wasted through antiquated leaking pipes. I expect we shall have a long, cool, wet summer.
i could have shot the same pic today :)
Still a lovely shot Mo.
It does seem strange for you to be in a drought while it's raining but, I understand. The weather patterns have been just plain freaky this year. Love this photo.
I like this kind of weather, so philosophic.
That is a sight for sore eyes as we are also in a drought here in central Florida! We got a bit of rain yesterday but not nearly enough! I hope you get sufficient wetness to rid you of drought conditions!
Drought when there are downpours? That definitely sounds off!
are always cool
not always easy to do well
nice one, mo
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It's been a very typical April, weather wise. This sums it up good I think.
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