The beer mugs or beer steins as they were traditionally named, were usually made of stone, pewter, silver and maybe wood. Although most of those used in England were pewter. They were beautifully decorated and often had a lid. It is believed the lid was introduced during the period of the black plague to prevent diseased fleas hopping into your tipple.
Discussing the history of drinking vessels is very thirsty work, however this pub in Covent Garden is the best place to have such a chat.
Nothing beats a little time spent in a London pub!
Great history there. Wish I could just drop in for a great British beer!
I'm glad you were up to the task!
Every arduous task deserves a reward;-)
I hate it when fleas jump into my beer!
Good picture. Wise to take the pic before you drink.
Great pub, great composition, great picture. You earned your beer(s).
A lovely shot, and quite impressive considering you had other temptations at hand! :)
They must have employed a very tall barman to get those mugs down! I fancy a pint right now and it's only 8:43 in the morning!
I'll drink to that. Skål!
I've been there methinks :)
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