
Friday 16 November 2012

Hard to believe this area was once one of London's worst slums, but that was more than a century ago. The charming red brick apartments that surround Arnold Circus were built at the turn of the 19th century.
 Believed to be the world's first council housing estate. Under the Thatcher years tenants were encouraged to buy their council homes, as a result this estate is now a mixture of private and council housing within the same buildings.


Adullamite said...

Grrrrrrr Thatcher!!!!!!!!!! Where's my gun grrrrrr!

Dave said...

I think I've cycled around here. Are they on the Thames towpath ride just before you get to Greenwich?

Sharon said...

Your photo has made this place look very inviting.

Marie said...

oo, pretty! Where is that? 3 years in London and still so much left to see!! :)

Gunn said...

Looks nice.
I like the style of the pavilion too.
And I like the composition you created.

RedPat said...

A friend has a flat in a mixed building like that in Bloomsbury and it is wonderful.

Jack said...

It is hard to imagine that this area was ever a slum. It looks charming.

Babzy.B said...

nice place now :)

Anonymous said...

Dave I don't think those are close to Greenwich> You might be thinking of the estates in Debtford, but those are more of a brown colour. And not very pleasing inside :S

Mo, can you tell us where these are located?

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