
Friday 17 January 2014

Free Paper

The morning and evening papers are thrust into the hands of morning and evening commuters. For sometime now the papers have been free.  How many other communities now have free newspapers?


Andy said...

There's two competitors that hand out free morning news papers here. They are a condensed version of the paid ones.

Adullamite said...

Super timing with the van in the background!
Notice how the Russian owner of the Standard never complains about his friend Boris?

Travel said...

Washington DC has two free morning papers for commuters, they are both condensed versions of the daily papers for sale in the city.

Sharon said...

I noticed this when I was there and I said something to the hosts where I was staying and they told me that newspapers were free here. I wish they were here. Many of them even charge for online service.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

We do have community papers that are free, and entertainment/festival papers.. But the West Australian still has a small cost.

William Kendall said...

We have them here too, basically condensed news with a handful of actual news items and a bunch of ads. I prefer to actually buy a proper paper. These feel like a waste of newsprint.


None in this wee town! I do see them still when I'm in DC for work. One thing that shocked me a little this past summer was seeing TimeOut had pretty much disappeared as I used to know it, and is now online/a small free handout.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Yeah we have a free newspaper here in Kuantan. Most usually we pick it up at McDonalds!

Gunn said...

We only have one, LOKALAVISEN, that is out every 2 weeks, and is delivered to all houses/flats that don`t have put up labels saying that they don`t want it.

I like the Evening Standard when I am on my way from A to B in London.

But BIG Sunday papers with magazines are my favorites..... You have so many wonderful magazines, that I have had to buy an extra bag for them at the airport.....

Mandy said...

Heh, the Evening Standard man in Charing Cross really dislikes me because I never, ever take his paper. He'll begin saying "Even..", see it's me and finish with a disgusted "ugh". I just don't like the paper pollution and prefer online!

Great capture.

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