
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Jousting and Executions

Tranquil enough now but this same spot was once a place for jousting, tournaments and executions, as well as a market.  Smithfield meat market still exists (for now) although in ancient times it was known as Smethefelde or Smoothfield.  It lay just outside the city walls and the fields surrounding the market were large enough to hold the live animals that were brought for slaughter.  Now the animals arrive as meat carcasses from all over Europe. 


Adullamite said...

The brutal imperialist Edward the 1st, thug and king hung drew and quartered the noble Sir William Wallace, freedom fighter and patriot there. I doubt however it bore any resemblance to the scene in 'Braveheart!'

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A place with lots of history

Luis Gomez said...

Thank you Mo.

Sharon said...

A time traveler wouldn't recognize the place.

William Kendall said...

Quite a difference. Very peaceful now.

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