
Monday 2 November 2015

A Foggy Walk to Work

Keeping a watchful eye on the early morning commuters on their way to work, the seagull tells me that this fog is all over Europe as well as London.


Adullamite said...

The seagull is correct and that is a great photo!
I'm so jealous!

Sharon said...

I do love to see the fog. I'm not sure why but I do know that it great for taking photos.

William Kendall said...

That looks like pea soup fog, as they used to say about English fog.

Jenny Woolf said...

Yes, it seems such a long time since we last had fog, and it's strange to see it again.

Angie said...

I'm sure a lot of us bloggers started singing "A foggy day" etc. Daughter Sam will be in your neck of the words on Wednesday after running in the NY Marathon.

Babzy.B said...

i don't like fog but beautiful pic ! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like the fog grounded all the gulls too ;-)

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