
Monday 11 January 2016

The Blessing of the Thames

Another of those quaint rituals that occur in London that draws on ancient customs although in reality has only been practised in current times for little over a decade.  The clergy from Southwark Cathedral on the south bank of the river Thames head northwards over London Bridge, to meet the clergy from St Magnus the Martyr who head south from their church on the northern banks of the river.

At the half way point (once they all meet on the same side of the Bridge)..

a short ceremony is held, the Bishop of London then tosses a wooden cross into the river....

and they then all head off for a nice cuppa.  


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice tradition resurrected

Jenny Woolf said...

Nice idea, although I wonder how they thought of doing it if it is not an actual ancient custom

biebkriebels said...

I strange tradition, will the Thames be grateful for the cross in its waters?

Mandy said...

Such fun! I've never heard of this ritual before!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The British do 'tradition' better than anywhere Mo.

Sharon said...

This is one I hadn't heard of before. Very interesting.

William Kendall said...

A curious idea!

Angie said...

You could weave a little story around the 3rd photo (what does the Bishop have under his cloak?) Hope it's not a bad smell!!!

Gunn said...

Looks like they are having a good time and a happy event!

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