
Monday 27 June 2016


A huge turnout for London Pride 2016. A minutes silence was observed in remembrance of the 49 killed in Orlando.  Politicans and showbiz were all there, and for the first time ever for pride,  the red arrows flew over Trafalgar Square.


Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Estas manifestações são sempre muito coloridas, bela fotografia.
Um abraço e uma boa semana.

Sharon said...

It even looks like it was a good day for a parade. I saw several photos from the same event on a couple of other blogs too.
That photographer I featured today did publish a book in 2015 on those border obelisks.

William Kendall said...

It looks like quite a crowd.

Gunn said...

I guess that is a BIG event in London.
Well, it is quite big in Oslo, and more and more politicians are in the parade too.

Stefan Jansson said...

I hope you had a good time.

Angie said...

Hurrah for the Red Arrows!!

Jack said...

Pride marches seemed even better attended this year, but with more security and more acceptance from the general population.

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