
Thursday 4 December 2008

Walking the Dog

Look Left Look Right Look Left again. Well that's how we learnt our road rules.


PJ said...

We ride our bikes to walk our dog, he likes to run. I don't know if I would try it with two, well not two like the one I've got! Great catch, Mo.

marley said...

Thats a different way to walk the dog!

The Lone Beader® said...

Haha! Cute! I tried to walk my Airedale like that-only tried it once! LOL. And, someday, I want to make a beaded portrait of a dog wearing a sweater or jacket like that! :D

Sharon said...

Look left, look right, that's the thing I have the most trouble with when traveling to London. I have to keep telling myself, look both ways, it's safer!!

claude said...

Every time I see a biker with a dog, I find that very dangerous.
Does the biker help the dog to cross the street or does the dog. Who does look on each side ???

Gretchen said...

Our dog would never allow us to walk her while riding a bike. She's too demanding of our time and has to constantly be assured we're with her.

Anonymous said...

I think the dog is the best dressed

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