Some looked as though they had just been rescued from a war site, others were sparkling and shiny and looked ready to race.
Not that I know a lot about bikes but still I was impressed.
Take a look at the auctioneers site if you want to know all those detailed things I can't answer.
Very cool! Must have been fun to see!
cooj bike! some of these bikes are like works of art..
very cool!
Nice blog : ) I am a new follower.
Check out my blog as well when you get a chance.
This must have been fun to see. I wonder how many collectors were there to made a bid.
Nice RAF bike. 100 vintage bikes puts my stable of only one vintage + two modern to shame -:)
Thanks for your heads up about the auction!
I'd have checked out that auction if I'd known about it.
Look at the tires on that beast, they look like truck tires.
cool! i have to send the site to my Dad, he used to race these, bsa's triumps, it was all dirt in those days!
you get invited
to all the coolest places, mo!
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Really Cool!
Way cool!!
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