
Saturday 2 April 2011

Nose for You

I've been described as someone with an eye for the beautiful and the bizarre. Today I'm living up to the bizarre.
You wont find this in your tourist books.
The nose on the arch of Trafalgar square is said to be that of the Duke of Wellington. Placed at just the right height for horse riders to touch for good luck as they ride past.

Wait until I find the eye and ear!


Angie said...

One hopes there are tissues handy!!

IleDuLevant said...

And if you want more noses, it might be worth researching "the seven noses of Soho".

jabblog said...

Bizarre indeed! I wonder how many people know that?

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent thank you!

Anna said...

Bizarre and funny. Great combo.

Jack said...

I'm going with 80% beautiful and only 20% bizarre. The nose, of course, is the bizarre. But I think the overall close-up, with its blocks and curves and textures, is beautiful.

Sharon said...

I've never seen this before! I love it when you find these unusual things.

RedPat said...

Cool! I kept seeing coloured hands around London when I was there about a year ago - never could find out what they were all about.

Anonymous said...

davvero bizzarro e .....che gran naso tuo invece un grande occhio ciao elisabetta

William K Wallace said...

The Duke sure had one big and ugly nose.

I remember the first time I searched for the nose, it took me ages to locate it.

Karine said...

Wow, that really is weird!!!

Sy said...

haha thats so cool

Anonymous said...

proof that
one never nose
what one might find
when one goes discovering

but i thought at first it was a monument to the late king of pop, michael jackson

× × ×


Amber said...

Crazy! I'm not sure if I want to see any other body parts :>

Babzy.B said...

really strange !

Joe said...

Now there's something I didn't expect to see. Any news on the eye and ear?

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