I must have walked past these seats a dozen times and didn't see the camels until the other day. I am only guessing but that guess is that the significance of the camels relates to the
imperial camel corps who served in Egypt during WW1. Can anyone confirm that?
I love that you wouldn't necessarily see the camels unless you were looking for them. Very clever.
How unusual! I think your assumption is a good one.
I probably wouldn't have noticed the camels at first either! And, yes, too bad that I will miss you in Venice! I will be there until the 28th. I thought Pink was going to meet me there at some point, but I haven't heard from her. I will be meeting another friend from London at some point during my stay, so should be fun!
where was this taken?
i didn't notice at first either! those are awesome!
What a wonderful idea for a bench! Weird too, 'cause I don't remember seeing too many camels walking around London :-D... but you must be right, it has to be connected with Brits in Egypt.
It's amazing how we don't notice much about things we see everyday. Glad you finally noticed these — I think they're amazing. I suppose the camels have bags on them? I was thinking it looked like a cross between a camel and a turtle.
wow, camels on a bench. they can go with our camelback mountain. I am glad to come to your site and catch up on all of your great photos. I like the birds and beach photo and your august night theme photo. all superb! Thanks for all of your comments about the solar eclipse photos. If you like travel photos, we just put together a travel photos site at www.vivalavoyage.com. We have India photos posted and will put up new travel photos each Sunday. Happy blogging!
I set up to follow you as I never fail to enjoy seeing London through your eyes. You have a marvellous eye for the unique coupled with historical facts. Brilliant!
Wow ! i love this bench :)
To be honest, it looks a modern design
Gosh how unusual!
how interesting. London gives and gives to those people like you who take the time to notice.
Is this anywhere near the Cleopatra benches? In that case, could be following that Nile connection.
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